Bigfoot, Interdimensional Portals, and Childhood Monsters — Part One
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This is part one of the true story of my very eventful first Bigfoot research expedition. Accompanying famed researcher Adam Davies, strange events abound throughout our adventures in WA and OR.
Giant on a New York City Subway Train
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At times I have witnessed unusual sights. One such incident occurred when I encountered an enormous man of almost giant-like proportions in a New York City subway station.
Shocking Fairy Horse Encounter In Ireland
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Author Herbie Brennan recounts his sighting of a herd of 20-25 tiny, white "Fairy Horses" at the site of a Bronze Age megalith known as Longstone Rath, located in County Kildare, Ireland.
More Orang Pendek News
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Adam Davies contributes once again to The Paranomalist blog. As he prepares for yet another expedition to the rainforests of Sumatra in search of the Orang Pendek, Adam shares some recent news concerning this elusive creature. Thanks, Adam!
Supernatural Event Over Vietnam
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This is the strange tale of Robert L. Pollock, a former LAPD detective and Vietnam War veteran. It takes place in early 1968 in a C-130 Cargo aircraft flying at 25,000 feet over the coast of Vietnam. What was the strange, swirling, gray/black mist that entered their aircraft? Was it simply some type of fluid leak, or perhaps something far more strange? Read on for Robert's firsthand account of this bizarre phenomena that he and his fellow crewmen experienced.
Mande Burung Expedition Update
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Adam Davies recently met with members of his team of fellow cryptid researchers who will accompany him on his latest expedition to the West Garo Hills district of the state of Meghalaya in India, in search for evidence of the Mande Burung, a legendary man-like ape (or perhaps ape-like man) that has long been reported as having been seen and encountered in this heavily forested and remote region of India.